Just wanted to post something before I go to bed.
I was watching Super Millionaire with my mom earlier (I gave myself a little bit of a break today after the tests I've written this week). And I know it's different to actually be on the show and trying to think of the right answers, but sitting at home, I couldn't understand why people would need to use lifelines for certain questions. For instance, I was gesturing confusedly at the TV screen when the question was, "In a standard poker game, which of these hands is the best: full house, four of a kind, straight flush, or two pairs?" Now, even if I hadn't taken Finite or a few Stats courses here and there, I would know the answer to that. :) Anyway, the guy polled the audience on that one (and a certain percentage actually said "two pairs" was the answer...)... And the next one that I got excited about was, "In the line 'Wherefore art thou Romeo?', what does 'wherefore' mean?" Hehe.
Oooh! Also, there was another question: "If someone is a megalomaniac, what kind of problem does this person have?" And before the answers showed up, I said "Delusions of grandeur", and sure enough, that exact answer came up. Hehe. I'm sooo smart. (Delusions of grandeur, anyone?) And the last question that I
really liked was, "The 2003 movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is subtitled with 'The Curse of the' what?" Now
that's my kind of question, lol. Thankfully, no one needed to use a lifeline for that one...
In other news, the SAG Awards were on Sunday, and I was rooting for specific winners in two categories: Best Ensemble Movie Cast (
LOTR) and Best Actor (Johnny Depp). My people won in both categories! Whoo! And apparently the Best Actor result was the only surprise of the ceremony...good on ya, Johnny! (Right, addressing the guy as if he'd actually be reading this....though, that'd be pretty scary if he did. Hmm.)